Payment and Delivery

All of our products displayed on our site are available in our stocks and orders confirmed until 18:00 every weekday will be shipped on the same day.

In order for your order to be confirmed, the price of the products you have purchased must be paid by credit card or money order. If you choose the payment method by wire transfer, as soon as your payment reaches our account below, your order will be approved and prepared, and the first shipment will be made.

You can cancel your order before your product is shipped and request the refund of your payment to your credit card or bank account. In this case, since the product has not been shipped yet, a cancellation and return will be made immediately.

For cancellations and refunds, you can call us at 0 (312) 355 77 77 or send an e-mail to

In your questions about your orders, we kindly ask you to inform your order number.

Our Bank Account


Bank account number:
The following information will be added after the Homeoffice positive decision.